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Walls of Salvation

Isaiah 26:3 — You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

God promises to surround us with salvation. God’s salvation is like the wall of a city that keeps us safe. When we believed in Jesus Christ for our salvation, we were given the gift of Christ’s righteousness and made citizens of God’s kingdom.

Before we believed in Jesus, we were God’s enemies living proudly in a city of arrogance, thinking that we did not need God or Christ’s salvation. We thought, “My life is fine without you, God,” but we eventually realized that we were wrong.

Sin has a way of beating us down and leaving us unfulfilled and empty. Yes, there are pleasures of sin for a season, but we were not made by God to serve sin and be its slaves. We were made to be free sons and daughters of God.

God allows sin to bring people to a low place where all they can do is look up for help. When we are desperate enough and humble enough to receive God’s grace for salvation, God bestows it upon us freely and abundantly, and we discover peace like we have never known before.

The way to keep this peace is to fix our minds on Jesus and continue to trust Him for our daily walk of faith. When we spend our time seeking the Lord in His Word and through reliance on His Spirit, we walk the pathway of peace. It is so good to be surrounded by God’s walls of salvation as we walk in the Way.

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"When we spend our time seeking the Lord in His Word and through reliance on His Spirit, we walk the pathway of peace."

Thank God! God made not only our ears but also eyes. I don't understand Filipino's conversation. But I can see their life, who is our body of Christ here in Greater Grace Church in Genral Santos.

They are humble, open, and tender-hearted.I was amazed by Filipino's pastors life. Their sacrifice for others, and seeking the Lord in His Word and through reliance on His Spirit, they walk the pathway of peace.

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