Today’s Reading: 1 John 1
1 John 1:9 — If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
God promises to restore us. Although God the Father sees us perfect in His Son, Jesus Christ, we will never be experientially perfect until we depart from these bodies of sin and death. As much as we desire not to sin, we will, and so God has made a provision for us when we fail, so that we can be restored to fellowship with Him.
When you were born again, you became a member of God’s royal family. You are a child of the King. God is your Father. Just like you cannot be unborn physically, you cannot be unborn spiritually. You are “stuck” as a member of God’s family!
Your natural family is your family whether you want them to be your family or not. You may have done something so bad that your family does not invite you to eat Thanksgiving dinner with them, but they are still your family.
The same is true for your spiritual family. You may sin and break fellowship with God (He cannot fellowship with sin), but He is still your Father and you are still a member of His family. God will never disown you. God always wants to have relationship and fellowship with His children. This is why Christ came to this world—to make it possible for us to be born again into God’s family have a relationship with God the Father.
So, when we fail we have God’s way of restoration available to us. If we confess our sin, we will be cleansed from all unrighteousness and return to fellowship with our Father. Christ’s sacrifice bought forgiveness of all our sin. This is amazing grace. This is how God our Father deals with us as His children. We are so incredibly blessed. Praise God for the way He has made for us to know Him and have fellowship with Him.
10/24/2024 Devotional
" If we confess our sin, we will be cleansed from all unrighteousness and return to fellowship with our Father."
Some say, "In the world, there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." King Solomon got whatever he wanted, especially when it came to symbols of power and status. Gradually, he depended less on God and more on the props around him.
The more he enjoyed the world's good gifts, the less he thought about the Giver-God.
It is always something to be aware of my weak sins where my sins begin, how they proceed, and how they should be restored.
10/24/2024 묵상
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