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Putting Off the Body

Today’s Reading: 2 Peter 1:1-4, 13-15

2 Peter 1:14 —  since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me.

God promises that we will put off these bodies. the Bible often refers to our bodies as tabernacles or tents. Our bodies are temporary residences for our souls and spirits. Like the tabernacle, God’s presence dwells there and fills us with His glory.

But one of these days, perhaps sooner than we think, we will be putting off these bodies. Our souls and our human spirits which are eternally mingled with the Holy Spirit will depart these bodies and go home to be with the Lord Jesus Christ for eternity.

God has fearfully and wonderfully made these human bodies of ours (Psalm 139:14). Everything about us is so amazing. The human eye alone is a feat of biological engineering that could have never come about by time and random chance as evolutionists would have us to believe. God made our eyes along with every other fantastically designed part of our bodies that are perfectly coordinated for us to experience life on this amazing planet.

But because of sin, these bodies contain a fatal defect: the selfish sin nature which guarantees that one day these bodies will perish and return to the dust from which they have been made. As much as the thought of growing old and weak and dying does not thrill us, it can also give us hope. We will be set free from the sin nature when we put off these bodies God made!

We will not be sad to let these bodies go when it is our time to put them off. We will feel like prisoners set free from prison, like kidnapped people escaping from their kidnappers. We will take our first absolutely free breath of life when we arrive in heaven and sing and dance and weep for joy. Death is swallowed up in Christ’s victory over the grave which is ours to share because we are in Christ!

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