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Jesus, Our Hiding Place


Today’s Reading: Revelation 20

Revelation 20:11 — And I saw a great white throne and the One sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from His presence, but they found no place to hide.

God promises to be our hiding place. David wrote, “You are a hiding place for me; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with shouts of deliverance” (Psalm 32:7). David knew that we all need a hiding place in the Lord. Those who are not hidden with Christ in God will one day find themselves facing everlasting judgment.

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they tried to hide from God. They feared death because God had told them that the day they ate the forbidden fruit they would surely die.

Mercifully, God covered their sin with the blood of innocent animals and covered their nakedness with the skins of those animals. God hid their sins so that Adam and Eve could live.

Because of Christ’s sacrifice, our sins have been hidden forever under the blood of Jesus and we have been clothed in His righteousness. We have eternal life and we are hidden, preserved, and surrounded by the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not hiding from Him, but hidden securely in Him! We are eternally safe and secure in Jesus.

The great white throne judgment will be an event where those who are not hidden in Christ will face the second death. They will see the horror of the lake of fire that awaits them and try to flee from Jesus, the righteous judge; but they will find no place to hide from His face. We must let people know that they need to run to the hiding place, Jesus Christ, now, while they still can. We all need Jesus to be our hiding place.


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1 Comment

Oct 19, 2024

10/19/2024 Devotional

"We all need Jesus to be our hiding place."

Seek first the kingdom of God: I want to be absorbed in pursuing the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). Jesus reminds us to put our relationship with God first and live a life that pleases Him. I want to put the kingdom of God first—God will take care of it all!: I believe this should be our rule in setting our priorities. Jesus is not just telling us to stop worrying, but to replace worry with concern for the kingdom of God. Remember, a habit or passion can only be given up for the sake of a bigger habit or passion.

Psalms 32:7-8, 10 NLT

[7] For you are…



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