Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 6:1-11
2 Chronicles 6:10 — Now the Lord has fulfilled His promise that He made.
God promises we can trust His faithfulness. David had a desire in his heart to build a house for the name of the Lord. God was pleased by the desire of David’s heart, for He knew that is was motivated by love and reverence for God. But God did not allow David to build the house of the Lord. He promised David that his son Solomon would build the house for the Lord’s name.
Solomon built a beautiful temple using the design of the tabernacle that God had given to Moses. At the temple dedication, Solomon declared that God’s hand had fulfilled what He had promised with His mouth to David. Solomon gave God the credit for raising him up to be king of Israel and enabling him to complete David’s dream for a house for the Lord.
God’s hand—His mighty power, His personal presence and ability—executed His promised plan. What God said, God did.
We see that pattern throughout the Scriptures. God spoke and the universe came into existence. God said, “Let Us make man in Our image” and then He formed man from the dust of the earth with His hands and breathed life into him. God promised a savior and then sent Jesus who lived, died, and was raised back to life to give saving grace to all who would believe.
God is faithful to keep His promises. It may seem like the Lord has forgotten His promise or is delaying keeping His promise, but He knows exactly when, where, and how He will fulfill His word. It took thousands of years for the Lord to come the first time, but He did. It has been thousands of years since He promised to come again, but He will. “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness” (2 Peter 3:9). Get ready. He could come for you today!
"Jesus is always there whether we can see, hear, or feel Him. Jesus always sees us, always hears us, always knows exactly what we are thinking and feeling."
There is a prayer I have been praying for since I was 27. But these days, I feel like my patience is limited to the point where I wonder if God is really listening, right? Whether I feel it or not, whether I can see it or not...give me the answer!
Thank you, Jesus!
"예수님은 우리가 보거나 듣거나 느낄 수 있든 항상 거기 계십니다. 예수님은 항상 우리를 보고 듣고 계시며, 우리가 생각하고 느끼는 것을 정확히 알고 계십니다."
제가 27살 때부터 기도해 왔던 기도가 있습니다. 그런데 요즘은 하나님께서 정말 듣고 계시는지…
“He knows exactly when, where, and how He will fulfill His word.”
My life seems to be a journey of waiting for the time when God's will and God's word will be fulfilled. In patience and waiting... Lord, show me!
Lord, you are listening to my prayer!
2024년 4월 30일 묵상
“하나님은 자신의 말씀을 언제, 어디서, 어떻게 성취하실지 정확히 아십니다.”
나의 인생은 하나님의 뜻이 하나님의 말씀이 이루어지는 때를 기다리며 사는 여정인것 같다. 인내와 기다림속에서…주님 보여주소서! 주님 제 기도 듣고 계시죠!