Genesis 49:19 — Gad will be attacked by raiders, but he will attack their heels.
When Jacob blessed his son Gad, he used a play on words. The name Gad means “good fortune” but it also connected to the Hebrew word “gadad” that means “a troop.” Jacob said that Gad would be attacked by “gadad.” However, the blessing for Gad would be that he and his tribe would be mighty warriors who would be able to drive off invaders.
The author of First Chronicles described the Gadites as “mighty men of valor, trained for battle, experts with the shield and spear, whose faces were like the faces of lions and who were as swift as gazelles on the mountains” (1 Chronicles 12:8). The Gadites occupied land on the east side of the Jordan River where they would face enemies on their borders, so to be blessed with the ability to fight well was truly a great blessing.
How would Jacob know to bless Gad and his descendants in this way? Jacob’s blessing came while he and his sons still lived in Egypt. It would be nearly 500 years later that the sons of Jacob would divide the promised land and Gad would receive his lands on the east side of the Jordan. Jacob did not know, but God knew, and God filled Jacob’s mouth with the perfect blessing for his son Gad.
Isn’t it good to know that God knows what we will face down the road of our lives? Isn’t it assuring to know that God made you a certain way so that you can be used in a particular way by Him? Sometimes we compare ourselves with others and wish that we could be more like another person. It is easy to see the better qualities of others and blind to our own good qualities.
You are exactly who God made you to be, and you are a uniquely gifted member of Christ’s body to serve the Lord’s divine purposes. No, you are not like other people in certain ways, but like everyone else, you are loved and cherished by God your Father. Don’t waste time wishing you were somebody else doing something else. Be the person that God has chosen to be His precious child. Only you can express God’s love and grace in the way you do.
03/12/2025 Devotional
"Be the person that God has chosen to be His precious child."
"하나님께서 그분의 소중한 자녀로 택하신 사람이 되십시오."
시편 55:22 KLB
[22] 네 짐을 여호와께 맡겨 버려라. 그가 너를 붙드시리라. 그는 의로운 자들이 넘어지는 것을 허락하지 않으실 것이다.
Psalms 55:22 NLT
[22] Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.